Recognised as Forces Covenant Civilian Employment Support providers and one of the UK’s Top 25 Veteran Employers, and awarded Gold in the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme, Carbon60 and Carbon60 Project Services have been committed, celebrated partners and supporters of our military forces and their service people for decades.

As part of this commitment to veterans and ex-forces personnel, we not only advocate for them, their skills and their potential to thrive in a post-service career, we actively provide opportunities to them too.

To find out more about such opportunities, and the impact they can have, we spoke with an ex-Navy member who recently joined Carbon60 to hear their story.

So, tell us a bit about yourself, your background and journey so far

Growing up as an expat, I was always fascinated by the Armed Forces and particularly the Navy. As I got older, it became an aspiration of mine to join the Navy or at least be in a role associated with supporting the Navy and the incredible things they and their people do.

I finally joined the Navy in 2024, but after I few months I realised that it wasn’t quite for me. But this didn’t deter me. Soon after leaving the forces, I turned to Carbon60, knowing that they are renowned for helping ex-forces people find exciting new opportunities.

And I am very glad I did, as I have now been working with Carbon60 for just over seven months, in an Administrative Support role for Navy Digital.

What interested you in joining Carbon 60?

As already mentioned, I knew that Carbon60 are as passionate about the Armed Forces and Military service people as I am, so their values are very much aligned with mine. This really made them stand out as a company I wanted to be involved with.

Whilst I am no longer in the Navy, I am still keen to be as involved in Navy and Military operations as I can, and thankfully the role Carbon60 found me enables me to be.

I had always heard that being with Carbon60 is a challenge (I love challenges!), but very rewarding too. And everyday is different.

How was the Recruitment and Onboarding Process?

The recruitment and onboarding process with Carbon60 was extremely efficient; stress-free, supported and confident building.

I was kept informed of the progression of my application throughout, and I was encouraged to ask any questions that arose, which were promptly answered. I couldn’t have asked for much more really! 

Is there anything outside of Carbon60 you are doing, and if so, how is the support you getting?

One of the best things about working with Carbon60, and being in the role I am in, is that I have been afforded time to study for a part-time Master's degree in Defence Studies alongside my work. What’s more, I am in the process of joining the Reserves as well!

I have always received an incredible amount of support from the Carbon60 team, who’ve not only allowed me to take such opportunities, but actively engaged with me to offer support and advice along the way too. And they do this for everyone, encouraging people to strive for and achieve their goals.

Finally, how have you found working with C60? 

I have really enjoyed my time with C60 so far, and I'm looking forward to the years ahead!

The team are all fascinating to talk to, with a lot of them being ex-service personnel too, and if I ever need a hand, I know that there is always a friendly face that I can turn to!

My confidence, skill set and knowledge continues to grow, and I know that this experience will hold me in great stead for my future career journey. 

Ex-Military Opportunities with Carbon60

Carbon60 utilise the experience and expertise of our own ex-forces staff to not only provide support and guidance to veterans, but also to build partnerships with industry-leading organisations and create employment opportunities that are aligned with the skills and experiences of brave service people looking to kickstart a new civilian career.

Click here to find out more about Carbon60’s Armed Forces Support